Publish your audiobooks and share your stories, to people around the world.

Write an audiobook

What should you keep in mind when writing an audiobook?

Everyone has a story to tell. What do you want to convey to the world? The easiest way is to write down your thoughts and story. Use it as a script. There are different variants depending on what suits you. Some need to write down everything they will tell you. Some have lots of small points that they then develop when the audiobook is recorded. Some create a series of images with the commentary and start from there.

Explain your situation

We want to help as many people as possible to have their voice heard, get their story out, share their knowledge and at the same time get a passive income in the future.

Where in life are you?

Dare to take the step. It does not matter how old you are. It does not matter where you are in life. We are convinced that you can contribute something good to other people.

A passive income

What could you do if you had an extra passive income? Spend more time with family? Help the organization that your heart is pounding extra hard for?

Author who shared his story via Nordic Success Publishing

Publish your audiobook via Nordic Success Publishing

Your book

What you need is a prepared script. What do you want to talk about? Which subject (s) are important to you?

Record audio file

When your script is ready, it’s time to record the audiobook. We can assist with professional equipment if needed.

Edit audiobook

After recording the audiobook, the audio files must be edited. We will also help you do this.

Publish audiobook

We then deliver audio files, so people can listen to your audiobook around the world.

Get Paid

1-2 times a year, you get a settlement for how much the audiobook was listened to and bought for.

Several books

After your first audiobook is published, is it time to write a new book? We help people all over the world to publish audio books.

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