Publish audiobook

It is easy to publish audiobook

Publish audiobook. What distinguishes the e-book from the audiobook is that you can capture emotions such as humor, beauty with tone and time. It does not have to be expensive and time consuming. You do not have to be connected to one of the traditional publishers to get it done.

Read the entire book aloud, not in your head a few times before sitting down at the microphone for final recording. It will update your knowledge, but also warns you about lines where you want to emphasize. Read slowly and take breaks often. It takes longer to listen than to read. Let important details or joke time sink in. Feel free to take a few seconds of art break. Have energy. Do not let the sentences just float by. You need to capture and hold the listener’s attention.

Publish audiobook online

  • Read the whole book a few days in advance, aloud, not in your head. It will increase your awareness, but it will also remind you where to emphasize. Indifferent reading is a bad idea, because even if your novel is fictional, you want to sound like the world’s leading expert.
  • Collaborate with professional audio companies. If I misunderstood, or spoke in a way that covered his views, my director would often stop me. They maintain high quality standards in both reading and recording, which is crucial.
  • Read slowly and rest often. Listening takes more time than reading. Give lines – especially complicated joke-time to indulge.
  • Have energy. Do not let the sentences go out. You need to capture – and hold – your listener’s attention from first word to last.
  • Do not think that you are reading a book; Remember that you are giving a speech to a large audience. This will put you in a more presentation mode. Listening to an audiobook should be like a live theater or a live seminar more than participating in a simple book reading.

We help you publish your audiobook

Publish an audiobook

Do not think you are reading a book. Remember to give a speech to a large audience. This puts you in a more presentation mode. Listening to an audiobook should be like a live theater or a live seminar more than participating in a simple book reading.

One obstacle may be overcoming the fear of producing your audiobook. It can be a little scary. How long will it take? What happens when I’m done? With the help of some modern technology, these are affordable barriers.

Finished audio files (mp3 format, recommended formatting: 128 kbps, mono) are then published worldwide on, for example, Bookmate, Mofibo, BookBeat, Storytel, Nextory, Amazon and more.

Publish audiobook

We help you publish an audiobook?

Audiobooks are books that have been loaded in audio format. That’s why you are not listening to a book in text form, you are listening to someone else reading a book. One of the great benefits of audiobooks is that you can listen to the book while doing other things. For example, many people listen when they cook or exercise. Nowadays, by streaming audiobooks on mobile phones, audiobooks have become easily accessible and take them with you.

The growing interest in audio books has led to an increased supply. Nowadays, no matter what type or age you like, you can find audiobooks for everyone. Contact us if you are thinking of publish audiobook.

Publish audiobook
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